Thursday, April 21, 2005

New World

Sometimes, we don't take the moment we need to think and take a lot of stuff for granted.
Everybody has a computer, a cell phone or a handheld device. I have my Palm with all my contacts, important files and passwords, I don't know what I'd do if I ever loose that thing.
But today, I have a really interesting new. This guy is quitting his regular job in order to start living out of AdSense.
Absolutely amazing!!!

A veces, uno no se toma el momento que necesita para pensar y toma muchas cosas por sentado. Todo el mundo tiene una computadora, un celular o un handheld. Yo mismo tengo en mi Palm una tremenda cantidad de información "viatal".
Pero hoy tengo una noticia realmente muy interesante. Este tipo está dejando su trabajo para dedicarse a vivir de AdSense.
Realmente increible!!!

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