Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Seinfeld & Superman

...just the best of two worlds ;)
Check out this videos and you'll see what I'm talking about... (yeap, a little off dev topic I know)

The Green Lantern

Episode 1

Episode 2

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Monday, August 21, 2006

Ever heard of Diggnation?

I try to listen every now and then some interesting podcast, but this one I believe it's the best podcast around.Obviously I haven't heard'em all, so feel free to recommend all the podcast you'll find interesting.Understand that the wide concept of interesting, from this one (diggnation) to the TikiBar (watch the videos).
Diggnation is about two guys that read and comment the top dug stories of the week in digg.comSo chek'em out, they are funny as hell, if you can try to downloads their videos.

The banner above is a game made by one of the fans, play with Alex and try to beat Kevin in this drinking contest. Click on Johny Johny (Tiki Bar) to get shots.

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