I've been using MSN Desktop Search (MSNDS) for a while and thought it was pretty cool, but since I don't use it everyday, whenever I needed to use it I had to wait for the indexing to finish... I found that pretty anoying so I downloaded Google Desktop Search (GDS) and gave it a try. After installing GDS I had to wait for it to index my whole hard drive, but thay say is a one-time only index proccess. It tool it a while, and after that I started to search with both desktop searchers. The first thing I noticed is that GDS has 4 proccess running on my machine, while msn has only 2 of them. But, the interesting part is yet to come... MSNDS eats up to 12500 KB of my RAM memory, while GDS 11200 KB. The coolest GDS feature is that, like Google, you can order by relevance, which would be the Page Rank on the Internet.
Bottom line: MSNDS is outta my computer.
He estado utilizando
MSDN Desktop Serach (MSDNDS) por un tiempo y pensé que estaba bastante bueno, pero como no lo utilizo todo el tiempo, cada vez que quiero utilizarlo tengo que esperar que el proceso de indexación termine... esto me pareció bastante "embolante" por lo que decidí bajar el
Google Desktop Search (GDS) y probarlo.Una vez instalado el GDS tuve que esperar que indexara todo mi disco duro, y eso le llevó un tiempo, pero según Google esta es la única corrida necesaria de este proceso, me puse a hacer búsquedas con ambos buscadores.Lo primero que noté es que mientras el MSNDS tienes 2 procesos corriendo en mi máquina, el GDS tiene 4, pero este último consume un total de 11200 KB, mientras que el MSNDS 12500 KB.Pero lo mejor que tiene el GDS es que, tal cual organiza Google, uno puede ordenar sus resultados por relevancia, lo cual se asemeja al Page Rank de Google en la Internet.
Conclusión: MSNDS no está más en mi PC.
This is my first email post, let's see how it goes
Este es mi primer post vía email, veamos como anda.
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I've been having quite a few problems lately in order to post, so this is a test to see if it has been fixed.
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Sometimes, we don't take the moment we need to think and take a lot of stuff for granted.
Everybody has a computer, a cell phone or a handheld device. I have my Palm with all my contacts, important files and passwords, I don't know what I'd do if I ever loose that thing.
But today, I have a really interesting new. This guy is quitting his regular job in order to start living out of AdSense.
Absolutely amazing!!!
A veces, uno no se toma el momento que necesita para pensar y toma muchas cosas por sentado. Todo el mundo tiene una computadora, un celular o un handheld. Yo mismo tengo en mi Palm una tremenda cantidad de información "viatal".
Pero hoy tengo una noticia realmente muy interesante. Este tipo está dejando su trabajo para dedicarse a vivir de AdSense.
Realmente increible!!!
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Google - My Search History
Yet, another cool feature from Google.
It is called "My Search History", and you can keep track of what ever looked for with Google.
Read Google's blog about it.
Otra interesante novedad de Google.
Se llama "My Search History" (mi historial de búsquedas), y con ella puedes mantener centralizadas todas las b´suquedas que alguna vez realizaste en Google.
Está muy bueno, y está claro como lo explica la gente de Google en su blog.
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I know I've written a lot about Google but they just keep surprising me, and I think you will like this.
It's called Google Maps and I won't tell you much, just check it out.
You can see the actual location of Microsoft, Google or The White House.
Hey! you can even see where my friend Mateo lives. There's no picture but you'll see the map of where I used to live with the Crisps in Pensacola.
Sé que he escrito mucho sobre Google pero es que no dejan de sorprenderme, y creo que esto les va a gustar.
Se llama Google Maps y no les voy a contar mucho al respecto, simplemente veánlo ustedes mismos.
Pueden ver donde queda Microsoft, Google o la Casa Blanca.
Bo! hasta pueden ver donde vive mi amigo Mateo. Por ahora no hay foto cercana pero se puede ver el mapa de donde yo vivía con los Crisp en Pensacola.
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Google Search: Sebastián Gómez
I made it! I'm at the top of the list, I don't know for how long but as for today if you google me you'll find this blog at the top.
Yes, I know what you're thinking, "what the heck is this dude so happy about?", I don't know, I'm just happy to be there.
Lo logré!. Estoy en la cima de la lista, no sé por cuanto tiempo pero al menos hoy si busca mi nombre en Google, verá que este blog es la primer respuesta que google dá.
Si, ya sé que están pensando, "y este de que se queda tan contento?", no sé, simplemente me alegra estar en la cima.
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If you are a regular reader of my blog, there are two things you need to know. You have some intellectual problems, and you have to know everything about Uruguay.
That's why in this post I'll try to describe and give the resources (don't forget to click the sponsors) about Uruguay.
As I mentioned before you will find out asking Google "where is Uruguay?" that we are in a little hole between the biggest southamerican countries (Argentina and Brasil). Here's a map.
You can find out something about us in The World FactBook, also at Encarta you'll be able to read about my country and see some maps and pictures.
But there's some cool facts about Uruguay, and one of them is that the first Soccer World Cup was held here in Montevideo (our capital) in a stadium know as Centenario. You can see a picture of it at WorldStadiums.com. That championship was held in 1930 (and we won it), before that, at the Olympics games in 1924 and 1928 Uruguay had won the gold medal in soccer. You can read about that and other facts at Wikipedia. At this time the Uruguayan soccer team is on the 15th place, according to the FIFA.
But we're not only about soccer, we have some good musicians too. That's the case of Jorge Drexler who has recently won an Academy Award for the music of the movie "The Motorcycle Diaries".
If are planning on coming to Uruguay, you are in the right place, next go to Google and "google us", you'll find some site that claims to have cheap airline tickets to Uruguay. I'll save you a click and post the site here, you're welcome.
Then go the Tourism Ministry site and check it out, you'll find some cool pictures there (have your popups allowed).
Por una transcripción de este post en español, deberá contactarme a
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The first one is about Google Q&A. Now you can ask Google some questions of many subjects and it will give you the answer. You can ask questions about people like, who is Jorge Drexler? or about geography like where the heck is Uruguay?
The other interesting fact I have for today is an article I found in SlashDot about the Longhorn Security System. It appears that you won't have to have as many privileges as an Administrator in order to run some applications. Read the whole article at PCWorld and read the comments from SlashDot.
La primer novedad es sobre Google Q&A. Ahora usted puede hacerle preguntas a Google sobre casi cualquier tema. Puede hacer preguntas sobre personas como ser, quien es Jorge Drexler? o sobre geografía como dónde diablos está Uruguay?
La otra noticia interesante es una que leí en PCWorld, en realidad lo gracioso es el comentario que hace SlashDot sobre esa noticia. Aparentemente en Longhorn usted no tendría que tener permisos casi que de Administrador para correr una aplicación, al contrario de lo que ocurre actualmente. Lea toda la noticia en PCWorld y lea los comentarios en SlashDot.
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Some people might be tired of reading about Google, but nobody can deny how cool their features are. I recently noticed that Google X is no longer available, for those of you who didn't get the chance to see it trust me, it was pretty cool.
But now, I have a new google page, it's called Google Labs and there you'll find what are the engineers at Google working on. Check out Google Ride Finder where you can find a taxi, limousine or shuttle using real time positioning.
Tal vez algunas personas estén cansadas de leer sobre Google, pero nadie puede negar lo fabuloso de las funcionalidades que sacan. Recientemente noté que Google X está caido, no sé si es algo momentaneo o definitivo, pero créanme para quien lo lo llegó a ver, estaba muy bueno.
Pero ahora, tengo una nueva página de Google para mostrarles que se llama Google Labs, ahí pueden encontrar en qué están trabajando los ingenieros de Google en la actualidad. No se pierdan Google Ride Finder donde pueden encontrar un taxi, limousine o trasporte metropolitano usando el posicionamiento en tiempo real del vehículo.
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